Plant Science Expansion
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Plant Science Expansion - Presentation Transcript
- Plant Science Expansion
- Anew building to accommodate growth of federally funded research in plant sciences.
- Provide increased plant growth facilities
- Provide increased use of computation in plant science research
- Allow MSU to recruitand retain the world’s best plant scientists to solve complex problems relatedto energy, food and health.
- Located at the corner of Bogue St. and Wilson Rd.
- It will connect to the
Plant Biology
Plant and Soil Science Building. - A research home for faculty in…
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, DOE Plant Research Lab,Forestry, Horticulture, Plant Biology, Plant Pathology, andCrop & Soil Sciences. - This building will support faculty conducting the latest plant science research at MSU.
- Research funding for plant science in the College of Natural Science alone has doubled to $12M/yr in the last 5 years.
- This includes projects involving the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center ($50M), DOE Plant Research Lab ($4.5 M), NIH Grand Opportunity Grant for medicinal plants ($2.8M), and other NSF, NIH and DOE grants.
- The building will have four floors and 40,000 square feet.
- Three floors will be research laboratories with space for 15 research groups and…
- 144 graduate students,
post-docs, technicians
and undergraduates - The open lab design will maximize interaction, collaboration, and
space utilization. - The basement provides MSU scientists a 30% increase in plant growth chambers.
- Connections to the other buildings allows transportation of plants between growth chambers, labs and green houses without exposure to weather, disease, and insects.
- The first floor provides an entrance to the horticulture gardens.
- The first floor features a 225-seat lecture hall and interaction space.
- Budget: $43MConstruction: May 2010 - December 2011
- Architect/Engineers: SmithGroup, Detroit, Mich.Construction Managers: The Christman Company, Lansing, Mich.
- College of Natural Science
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Michigan Agriculture Experiment Station
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